Our committee is run by volunteers who keep our club running financially, organise our awesome social and special events, and develop the club for the future. Some of our long-serving committee members are standing down this year or wanting to change roles and we need to replace them.
Committee members standing for re-election
- Chair – ?
- Treasurer – Laura
- Secretary – ?
- Head Coach – Kristin
- Membership Officer – ?
- Social Secretary – Martina
- Special Events Officer – Des
- Publicity Officer – ?
- Community Liaison Officer – Helen
- Race Director – Kristin
- Webmaster – Peter
How do I stand for a role that is empty?
Email secretarywillesdentri@gmail.com by Sunday, 28th of October, 2018 with the names of members to propose and second you. If there is more than one person who stands, there will be a vote at the AGM, but we will let you know beforehand. FYI, this has never happened before.
Can I suggest a new role?
Absolutely. Get in touch! You can also join as a general committee member.
How do I find out more about the roles?
Speak to someone on the committee/have a read through the role descriptions in the membersโ area of the website.
Can I stand for a role that already has someone wanting to do it?
Yes, you can. You just need someone to nominate and second your proposal and there will be a vote at the AGM.
For more details about the AGM see the previous post: https://willesdentriathlon.co.uk/wtc-agm-2018