Willesden Tri Club Committee needs you!

Our committee is run by volunteers who keep our club running financially, organise our awesome social and special events, and develop the club for the future. Some of our long-serving committee members are standing down this year or wanting to change roles and we need to replace them.

Committee members standing for re-election

  • Chair – ?
  • Treasurer – Laura
  • Secretary – ?
  • Head Coach – Kristin
  • Membership Officer – ?
  • Social Secretary – Martina
  • Special Events Officer – Des
  • Publicity Officer – ?
  • Community Liaison Officer – Helen
  • Race Director – Kristin
  • Webmaster – Peter

How do I stand for a role that is empty?

Email secretarywillesdentri@gmail.com by Sunday, 28th of October, 2018 with the names of members to propose and second you. If there is more than one person who stands, there will be a vote at the AGM, but we will let you know beforehand. FYI, this has never happened before.

Can I suggest a new role?

Absolutely. Get in touch! You can also join as a general committee member.

How do I find out more about the roles?

Speak to someone on the committee/have a read through the role descriptions in the membersโ€™ area of the website.

Can I stand for a role that already has someone wanting to do it?

Yes, you can. You just need someone to nominate and second your proposal and there will be a vote at the AGM.

For more details about the AGM see the previous post: https://willesdentriathlon.co.uk/wtc-agm-2018