Willesden Triathlon Club are famous for hosting the friendliest races in London!
30th March 2025 – Aquathlon
An ideal race to try out kit, practice transitions, or try multisport for the first time!
Entries are open here
WTCAquathlon2522nd September – Triathlon and Aquathlon
This years Triathlon and Aquathlon is on the 22nd September – an ideal race for first timers and experienced athletes. Entries are here.
Willesden-Triathlon-Race-Poster-202414th August – 5k PB Race
Our popular 5k race will be held on the track at Willesden Sports centre on the 14th August. Enter for a PB, or just to run a timed 5k and see what you can do !
5K-PB-Race-Poster28th April – Aquathlon
This year the WTC Aquathlon is on the 28th April – you can enter it here. If you are new to multi-sport events, returning to them, or just want to train with friendly people we are running a training plan aimed specifically at this race.
Aquathlon-Training-ProgrammeThis year we will also be running a training programme for newer athletes.
What event are we preparing for?
- Willesden Aquathlon on Sunday 28th of April.
- 400m pool swim / 5km run at Willesden Sports centre.
What is the training programme?
- 6 weeks training programme aimed at beginners or people looking to get back into fitness.
- Run session every Wednesday 7pm-8pm at Willesden sports centre from 20th of March to 24th of April.
- Two swim technique sessions in small groups (24th of March and 7th of April in the morning)
- Transition and racing tips
Who is this for?
- All sessions will be aimed at a group fairly new to triathlon/aquathlon, we will provide different intensity levels to suit all abilities but if you’ve recently completed several triathlons you might want to look for something more advanced (or join WTC training sessions on Tuesdays!)
- We are the FRIENDLIEST triathlon club in London, so we will support you whatever your level.
- Unfortunately, we are not swim teachers, so we ask that you are able to swim 50m (any stroke) in the pool to join the swim sessions.
How much does it cost?
We offer two pricing options:
- Training only for £70: 6 run sessions + 2 swim sessions delivered by a BFT coach.
- Training + Aquathlon entry for £80: 6 run sessions + 2 swim sessions + a discounted entry to the Willesden Aquathlon.
! To participate into the aquathlon if you’re not a BTF member you will have to purchase a race pass through British Triathlon (providing you insurance on the day). A Race Pass costs £2 for participants aged under 24 and £8 for those aged 24 years and above. !
Ready to sign up? Or any additional questions?
- Sign up here: https://forms.gle/LzgBzpPHUYFoV1G97
- If you have more questions, contact us at chairwillesdentri@gmail.com
8th October 2023
It’s back ! The Willesden Triathlon and Aquathlon will be on the 8th October 2023. You can enter via Active.
The location for all our events is Willesden Sports Centre, Donnington Road, London NW10 3QX.
Previous events
See our results page for details of previous events.